Monday, June 30, 2008

Tetons in the morning

I know I already posted about spending a week "working" in the Tetons. But I thought I would post a few more pictures. Some of our participants wanted to get up at 5:30 to do a photo shoot. So I got up and drove them around. We hoped to see different animals along the way and some great scenic pictures. My group didn't seem many animal (besides your basic elk and bison), but one group saw a bear. When I see the photographic evidence of that....then I will believe. Being on the road by 5:30 allows you to see the sun rise...and when it does...the Tetons just glow. We also ran over to Jenny's Lake for a little photo shoot there. By the time we got there the water was getting a little choppy and so it wasn't smooth. But you can clearly see the reflection of the Tetons in the water.

1 comment:

Susan and Chris said...

Very nice. We were just in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO last week hiking and camping and stuff. This week I started my PhD. I miss the mountains already!