Thursday, June 12, 2008


The other week...I had the opportunity to head home for a special weekend. On May 30, Thomas graduated from high school and Charity graduated from 6th grade. They both worked hard to get to that point. Charity...I'm proud of you and your efforts in class. I can't believe you had perfect attendance. I never had that! Good job. Thomas...thanks for making it. You know I would have had to beat you up if you didn't :) I both love you tons.Thomas and I after he finally made it!Charity with her teacher. Now don't think that Charity is freakishly tall (she is tall) but her teacher is just really short. :)


Tammy said...

Just look at Charity. Give her another 6 years and you could see her on the runway! She's already gorgeous and she's 12!

faith said...

Lexie, I have always enjoyed your postings - but these are sweet and special to me, thank you!
