Sunday, April 10, 2011

Manti Temple

My little brother, Forrest, just got his mission call. He is heading to Eugene, OR and leaves July 6th. I am so excited for him. He is going to be a great missionary. Because he is going to school in Ephraim, he wanted to go through the Manti temple prior to school being over. On April 8, the family drove down to Manti to share in this experience. I had never been to the Manti temple and was excited to go.My dad and brother-in-law, Jeff, were able to be his escorts. It was so nice of Katie and Jeff to drive down from Rexburg to be there.It was a really neat opportunity. I love the temple and really enjoyed being there for Forrest. I sure do love him and think he will be a fabulous missionary.

1 comment:

Katie said...

We were so glad we could be there! What a wonderful day :)