Ok, I am going to try and put the cutest pictures of my son Kasekende on here. When we got to the school on the first day I was so excited to see him. We got out of the van and I said hello to Sister Rose (the head nun) and then looked around for him. She came up to me and said "he is at the church". She than turned to a near by student and told him to run to the chapel and get Kasekende. I waited around for him to come and this is what I saw running down the hill. It was so cute. He was so excited to see me.
I was worried at first because I thought that he might not remember me. I mean, lets be honest he is only 3 and I don't know if he remembered July. I mean, I am sure that he remembered me being there, but I didn't know if I made that much of an impact on his life. As you can tell from most of my blogs, he sure has made an impact on my life. So it really made my day to see him booking it down the hill to see me.
I was talking to Master Peter later that day, and he mentioned that Kasekende really was lonely when we left in July. He didn't eat for two days as he waited for me to come back. That about broke my heart. I don't want to imagine how he will be after this trip. It was fun to see how much he had grown up since I had last seen him. He was a lot more talkative and his personality has really begun to develop. Master Peter also told me that Kasekende kept asking him for his cell phone so he could call me. Peter told him to go and ask Sister Rose for the phone number and when Kasekende returned he had a number. Of course it was just a number that Sister Rose had made up, and when Peter told Kasekende that the phone wouldn't connect, he was really put out.
Just like last trip, Kasekende stayed by me the whole time. He was my little shadow and biggest helper. Not only did I get to know him better, but I got to know his sister Namayanja too. She is a doll and I will miss her a lot. My heart breaks when I think that I might never have the chance to see them again. They are so cute.
Ok, so the picture didn't work. I will add it as soon as I get home.